Build and Configuration#

Include Fastscapelib in a CMake Project#

After installing Fastscapelib C++ headers (in a default location), you should be able to use CMake’s find_package to ensure these will be found when building your CMake project:

find_package(fastscapelib REQUIRED)

Don’t forget to link your target library or application with Fastscapelib:

target_link_libraries(your_target INTERFACE fastscapelib)

Build Options#

Fastscapelib provides the following CMake build options (all disabled by default). See below for more explanations.


Enables building the C++ tests


Downloads google-test and builds it locally instead of using a binary installation


Indicates where to find the google-test sources instead of downloading them


Enables building the micro-benchmarks


Downloads google-benchmark and builds it locally instead of using a binary installation


Indicates where to find the google-benchmark sources instead of downloading them


Downloads xtensor development version (master branch on GitHub) and uses it to build fastscapelib (useful for testing)

Build and Run the C++ Tests#

Fastscapelib has a test suite based on google-test.

You can install google-test, e.g., using conda:

$ conda install gtest -c conda-forge

Alternatively, google-test may be downloaded automatically by enabling FS_DOWNLOAD_GTEST, or a custom install path may be given by setting FS_GTEST_SRC_DIR (setting FS_DOWNLOAD_GTEST=ON or FS_GTEST_SRC_DIR=/path/to/gtest automatically sets FS_BUILD_TESTS=ON).


Download and build google-test from source as part of the Fastscapelib build process may prevent possible issues with reusing a pre-installed version of google-test that has been built with different options or flags.

To build the tests, run the following commands from the source root directory:

$ cmake -S . -B build/tests -DFS_BUILD_TESTS=ON
$ cmake --build build/tests

Then to run all the tests:

$ ctest -T test --output-on-failure build/tests

Run the Python Tests#

Running the Python tests requires pytest. You can install it using, e.g., conda:

$ conda install pytest -c conda-forge

After (re)installing the Fastscapelib Python library, you can run the tests using the following command (from the repository root directory):

$ pytest -v .

Build and Run the Benchmarks#

Fastscapelib has also a micro-benchmark suite based on google-benchmark.

You can install google-benchmark, e.g., using conda:

$ conda install benchmark -c conda-forge

Alternatively, google-benchmark may be downloaded automatically by enabling FS_DOWNLOAD_GBENCHMARK, or a custom install path may be given by setting FS_GBENCHMARK_SRC_DIR (setting FS_DOWNLOAD_GBENCHMARK=ON or FS_GBENCHMARK_SRC_DIR=/path/to/gbenchmark automatically sets FS_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON).

To build the benchmarks, run the following commands from the source root directory:

$ cmake -S . -B build/benchmarks -DFS_BUILD_BENCHMARKS=ON
$ cmake --build build/benchmarks

Then to run all the benchmarks:

$ build/benchmarks/./benchmark_fastscapelib