
Fastscapelib implements efficient numerical solutions of few common erosion equation terms used in Landscape Evolution Models (LEMs).


This is currently limited to bedrock channel erosion (Stream Power Law) on any grid and hillslope erosion / transport (linear diffusion) on raster grids only.

We plan to add more processes in the future, like the continental and marine sediment transport / deposition modules available in the Fastscapelib (Fortran) library, glacial erosion, etc.

Eroder Class Interface#

Each erosion process is exposed in Fastscapelib via an “Eroder” class with the following conventions:

  • the class constructor may take several arguments including a grid object, a graph object and/or values for the eroder input parameters.

  • the eroder parameters are exposed as properties or getter (setter) methods so it is possible to read (update) their values after the eroder instance has been created (e.g., external forcing).

  • the class exposes an erode() method that usually takes an input topographic elevation and a time step duration as arguments (+ maybe other arguments) and that return the amount of erosion (positive values) or accumulation (negative values) for one time step computed at each grid node.

See the C++ and Python API reference for more details on each available erosion process.


See Examples.